Reflections and considerations on the future of work.

Menno Cramer
3 min readMar 23, 2023

Based on the event organised by Spinn on the 8th of March where a group of visionary leaders came together in Lisbon, Portugal.

Let’s get the first elephant out of the room… Covid. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a major shift in the way we work, with remote work becoming the new norm. While this change has allowed for more flexibility in terms of fitting work around our lives, it has also had negative effects on our health and wellbeing that are often forgotten. We think it is “just” about “do you work from the office or from home today” but there are many things we have lost, and we aren’t even aware. Obesity and depression rates have increased, as many of us are making unhealthy choices when left to our own devices.

Visionary Dialogues #1 Panel members: Paula Gomes Freire, Tiago Forjaz, Steven Braekeveldt, Fernando Mendes

In an office setting, there is a certain level of social control that helps/forces us make better choices. We are conscious of our appearance and behaviour, as well as the choices of our colleagues. However, when we are working alone, we tend to make lazy and unhealthy decisions, such as ordering fast food and neglecting personal hygiene.

People’s personal preferences related to the ways and spaces of work have changed during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the pandemic has shaped new work habits, not all of which are healthy. Paradoxically, the lockdown has given people both freedom and selfishness, and has led to a dualistic view of the workplace, one that offers a sense of togetherness that is powerful and another that insists on individual needs and autonomy. This has changed the relationship people have with the space in which work takes place.

Besides working remotely, or working in the office, we have the “coworking” movement alive. Here however I would put a large disclaimer that the majority of current “co-working” spaces are spaces in which individuals mutually agree to have noise cancelling headphones and work in the same space as others and maybe breathe the same air, but that is the extent of any collaboration.

Looking towards the future, we need to consider the fact that today’s children may live to be 100 or 120 years old, meaning that retiring at 60 no longer makes sense. We will need to rethink and redesign our offices to accommodate up to four generations of workers, each with their own unique needs and challenges.

One potential solution for the future working environments is virtual and augmented reality environments. As technology continues to develop, we may be able to spend time together in a metaverse, allowing us to connect with colleagues and attend conferences and meetings in a digital space.

To make the most of future developments and trends, we need to take a holistic approach that considers both physical and mental health. We need to find ways to incorporate social control and accountability into remote work, while also making healthy choices more accessible and convenient. By being proactive and open to change, we can create a more sustainable and fulfilling future of work.

Visionary Dialogues #1: Working: Space and Place

Who is Spinn?

Spinn brings a unique perspectives and expertise to the table, fostering cross-disciplinary collaborations and driving new and innovative solutions in the field of regenerative spatial innovation. We are committed to creating a supportive and inclusive community for all those interested in shaping the future. Our approach involves co-creation, collaboration, foresight, and regeneration. Simply building sustainable systems is no longer sufficient. We aim to design and create experiences that are beneficial for both individuals and their surroundings. The ultimate objective is to promote a way of living that aligns with these values.

